RzK Doris Koepke Phone: 49 2683 4547 BackMail: 2683 43905 PO Box 1200 Fax: 49 2683 4537 CompuServe: 70126,1660 D-53563 Asbach Ww. 94/1 Net-Control 4.1 Formular for Registration -------------------------------------------- Net-Control is not free. Each user of the program must pay a registration of $ 65,00 for using the program more than 30 days after the first installation. Your registration can be paid for in several different ways: [ ] with [ ] Visa or [ ] MasterCard My cardnumber is _________________________________ valid. date ___/___ Date:____________ Sign: ________________________ (We accept a signed Master/Visacard Order.) [ ] by Cheque or Money Order [ ] Please send me detailed information about: - [ ] multi-user (site) licenses. - [ ] a license for Net-Control not only running in mini mode (incl. possibility of storing of all data and technical support for one year.) - [ ] the Ethernet Box. Name (title) _____________________________________________________ (Company name) _____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________ How did you obtain Net-Control? ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, and we hope you enjoy Net-Control.